State festivals and county fairs have two things in common: the elusive best of show and award ribbons. From incredible horse shows, food demonstrations and live music to fried food, butter sculptures and roller coasters, festivals and fairs can be an incredible experience. And, don’t forget the best part: those best of show ribbons! But, before we get into our favorite topic of ribbons, let’s talk about the difference between a festival and a fair.

Briefly, a festival is a gathering of people to celebrate something, historically religious holidays (feast days), but now also secular ones, e.g., Kwanzaa, or the Burning Man, initially held to celebrate the summer solstice. Mardi Gras is a famous New Orleans festival, a religious one celebrated more quietly in other areas.
A fair is a gathering of vendors or tradespeople for the entertainment, commerce or other purpose. There are job fairs (hardly a festival), book fairs, farm shows (also called fairs) where people show their prized livestock or farm products for the entertainment (and often sales for charity) of both fellow farmers and non-farmers alike, county fairs (mostly just summer entertainment), etc.
So now that we know the difference between a festival and a fair, we can focus on more important things. Things like how to win your Best of Show ribbon!
While we do not have specifics, especially when it comes to things other than ribbons themselves, on what the best looking cow is or if you have the best tasting chili, we do have a little bit of advice. No matter your location, from Texas to Minnesota, the best thing you can do to win that coveted prize ribbon is to try your hardest. Work on your craft and put the required time in to make sure you know what you’re doing.
Here at Coller Industries, that is exactly what we do with our custom ribbons (and every personalized product we sell). We have been working on our craft for decades, and are top in our trade. So, while we can’t really award ourselves with Best of Show ribbons (judges consider that cheating), we might just try.
But, don’t take our word for it!
Jeff Halbach, a poultry judge at the 2018 Minnesota state fair, said, “The birds that end up on champion row usually are sound in body, correct and bright in color, have been cleaned and prepared for showing by their owners. And, finally, they have that winning personality.”
Emily Griffiths, also a judge (beef cattle) at the 2018 Minnesota State Fair, said, “I have always believed that beef heifer shows are very comparable to a beauty pageant in that it is about combining desirable female traits in a well-presented form with poise and style. You want an amount of body and muscle that is proportional and well suited to the animal’s frame with excellent structure. What separates an ordinary cow in the pasture from a champion at the state fair are those heifers with an extra amount of class, style, and grace. Those characteristics are not just limited to people—cattle can have those, too!”
Okay, on to those elusive Best of Show ribbons!
Rosette ribbons are seen everywhere at a fair. From giant pumpkins to those cute baby piglets, they are the classic touch at your local state or county fair. There are plenty of titles and stock ribbons from which to choose or make custom fair ribbons. They can have any award or honor imprinted to meet all of your needs.
From county fairs to holiday festivals, personalized ribbons are sure to bring home the Best of Show! And, no matter your ribbon choice, we have something to meet all of your festival and fair needs. Whether it is a pie eating contest or a 4-H event, ribbon rolls are sure to amaze with the right customization. Rosette ribbons are available as stock titles (yes, Best of Show included) or customize your own. They are a great way to make sure all winners are recognized for any achievement.