6 Reasons: Ribbon Rolls for Decorating

Are you planning an event and need ideas for decorating? From weddings to parties to most any event you can think of, ribbon rolls are the perfect answer for any needed decorations!

ribbon materials infographic for decorating usesSo, now you’re left with the unanswered question: what kind of ribbon do I want for my decorating? Here’s a quick guide to help you along your way to your perfect answer.

First things first, what do you need the ribbon roll for? Let’s look at all the things you can do with ribbon rolls. Tying them around things it a great use! Uses range from table decorations like candles and vases to the more traditional uses like gift wrapping and using them to wrap flowers into bouquets. Whatever you decide to use these ribbons for, that’s your stepping stone.

While most of these ribbon selections can be used for tying, some are prettier than others. But don’t discount ribbon types like grosgrain or organza quite yet. These ribbons have their uses too!

Satin and acetate ribbons are perfect for flowers and gifts. Tying bows is simple and they hold well. Tie them around your bouquets for that great looking bow. They hold their shape will so that the bow’s loops remain plush and open. These ribbons are also useful for decorating because of their shiny quality. They work great when hung with other decorations or used on centerpieces for tables.

(This ribbon) is heavily textured on both sides. Consequently, the imprinting will have lines running through it where the color of the ribbon will show through. This can lead to a more casual or “distressed” look in the final ribbon. (And,) the material itself is slightly thicker and heavier than (other ribbons).

Chiffon – Organza
(This ribbon choice) has an open, mesh-like weave that allows you to see through it. Because of this transparency, …organza has a very elegant look, making it a popular choice for weddings or other formal events. It has a stiff texture that works well for almost any size bow.

Whatever you decide to use for your decorating, make sure that your imprinting choices match your ribbon choice. Printing on satin versus grosgrain, and even organza, will always show up differently. Watch your text and image choices when selecting your ribbons.

To make it a bit easier, simply review this information every time you need to choose your ribbon style and you can’t go wrong.

View entire infographic by clicking on the image. (Infographic courtesy of:
Melanie Bunch, Graphic Artist, Coller Industries Incorporated.)

Unique Wedding Ribbons

Wedding season is quickly approaching once again!
Are you ready for your special day?

There are so many things to anticipate and plan for when dealing with wedding preparations. From the cake to invitations to decorations, don’t fall short on your details when making everything perfect for that big day. There are so many ways to incorporate personalized ribbons and identification into most details of the day. Here are some great ways to use some of our products in ways that you haven’t yet considered!

We all know that ribbon rolls are great for so many uses. From decorations to invitations to even the cake, ribbon rolls are very versatile!

diy award ribbons wedding personalized ribbons full color custom ribbon

Use these full color ribbons for almost anything at any wedding! As a simple invitations, these ribbons can be customized with dates, names and other information a images. Use these as place holders during dinner or at your reception. Have a contest for the best dressed or the best dancer. Make up your own custom ribbons or simply go for imprinted place ribbons.

rosette ribbons for a themed wedding personalize and customize ribbon



Now here’s an idea that most people don’t think about. Order a custom rosette ribbon with your date, names and any other details you want to include. These can be given away as trinkets to commemorate the day or even worn by members of your wedding party instead of boutonnieres or other flowers. Rosette ribbons can also be used as place markers for seating arrangements or for a unique decoration for themed weddings.


lanyards and badge holders for weddings find your name and find your table


Looking for that one creative way to help your guests find their place at the table? This unique idea incorporates custom lanyards and name badges. While this shows the place settings hanging from trees for the guests to find their names, they may also be spread out on a table. Simply choose a lanyard in your wedding colors and grab a handy badge holder to display people’s names and seating placements.


Whatever your choice, remember that ribbon rolls are great, but not everything.
Use most any personalized ribbon for your big day and make it one to remember!

Making the Most of Stackable Badge Ribbons

stackable badge ribbons with a reusable name badge

Badge ribbons are meant to make the wearer stand out from the crowd. They are also an effective way to make an initial introduction and break the ice for those attending a social meeting. These crowds can be found anywhere, but most people obtain ribbons from trade shows, conventions, conferences, meetings or other social functions.

As people collect badge ribbons from a conference or convention, they serve different purposes. So, what happens when these ribbons are all combined? And where do you put them all? People use every badge ribbon they get as an identifier and visual stimulant for themselves.

Badge holders are one of the best places to attach any badge ribbon. They extend the name and title of the person wearing them. The ribbons are made to be “stackable,” so the wearer does not have to pick and choose which ones to add to their name badges.

Each title can range from Council Member and President to Greeter and Sponsor. Personalized Ribbons offers an abundance of these stock badge ribbons, and each title comes in several choices of color. Each title will help anyone stand out in any crowd.

Benefits of stacking badge ribbons

It is always fun to think outside of the box and come up with unique ways to personalize badge ribbons to meet the needs of any social function. Custom order creative titles so not everyone has to have an official title attached to their name badge.

You do not have to limit badge ribbons to just professional functions. Find these ribbons at parties, weddings and other intimate or family events.

Fundraisers are also a common place to see these ribbons. They are an excellent tool for identifying a cause or support group for each fundraiser. Choose a color, such as pink for breast cancer support or a rainbow ribbon for autism supporters, and then add a title or function for the wearer to attach to their name badge.

Customize these ribbons in horizontal and vertical designs to meet any need for any function. They are not only versatile but also affordable. Do not limit yourself on these great personalizing tools. You can even order blank ribbons to identify specific groups by a single color worn by each person.

Badge ribbons are an excellent way to break the ice and stop awkward stares or uncomfortable moments when someone does not know what to say or how to introduce themselves. Stacking personalized ribbons on name badges is an effective way to identify any role at these events.