Avoiding Boring Badge Ribbons – Part 2

The boring badge ribbon has proven functional at many professional gatherings. Keep this in mind when choosing badge ribbons as they are meant to improve the effectiveness of a name badge. The five previous tips were aimed to help decide which type of badge ribbon was the best for each ribbon project. Here are five more tips to help with the overall design of any badge ribbon.

TIP #6 Avoiding Boring Ribbons: Choose a distinctive font.

The easiest way to drastically improve how your ribbon looks, and to keep it from being boring, is by using a nice font. There are many fonts available that will meet most any need. Keep in mind that most fonts will require a metal die.

Badge ribbon printing requires the use of dies, which are made to imprint onto the ribbons. A die is basically like a stamp as it presses a printing foil down on to the badge ribbon. Wherever the stamp touches the foil to the ribbon, the foil will stay printed, or dyed, onto the badge ribbon.

Many badge ribbons may be printed using a polymer die. Polymer dies are faster and less expensive, but they do have a few drawbacks. They are made from a softer material than metal dies; they also wear out quickly, so they can’t be used for large runs of the same ribbon; and they don’t hold detail well, so only thick, plain letters and shapes can be used. Small holes in the design, like the inside of a letter “a” or “e” may fill in because the die can’t press hard enough to ensure a clean impression.

A metal die, which is much stronger than the polymer die, can hold much more detail and will ensure a much cleaner imprint. Using a metal die no longer limits the choice of font; text may be made smaller or even add a logo or other image. Metal dies give much more freedom in the design of a badge ribbon and are well worth the additional cost. They can also be saved to use again and again.

TIP #7 Avoiding Boring Ribbons: Have fun with your text.

avoiding boring ribbons badge ribbon imprinted metal die fitting textText doesn’t have to be boring like straight side-to-side or up-and-down. Depending on the badge ribbon chosen, the text can be set at an angle or even on a curve. This is a great trick to get longer words to fit on a narrower ribbon and doesn’t always require a metal die.

TIP #8 Avoiding Boring Ribbons: Don’t limit yourself to one color.

For a better looking badge ribbon, use a combination of colors. A plain badge ribbon suddenly seems less boring when changes to a few elements are made. If the badge ribbon really needs to make an impression, try a Full Color Custom Ribbon. This badge ribbon will be printed in full color and has no limits to fonts or number of colors and no metal dies. You can even get a photograph printed on these badge ribbons.

TIP #9 Avoiding Boring Ribbons: Plan the shape and size of your ribbon.

Each ribbon should take content and function into account when adjusting the length or shape. If there is extra empty space, make the ribbon smaller or request options for making the text fill it better. Each badge ribbon should fit the text comfortably and not be crowded or empty. Make the badge ribbon unique by replacing the pinked ends with a fishtail.

avoiding boring ribbons badge ribbon metail die add a logoTIP #10 Avoiding Boring Ribbons: Add a company logo.

Nothing spices up a badge ribbon like an image. Use a company logo or find a basic image that will set off the design on the ribbon; it will instantly increase the ribbon’s appeal. Remember, a metal die will be required.

So the next time you find yourself in need of a ribbon for that upcoming event, keep these 10 tips in mind and the planning stages should be a bit easier and more enjoyable.



*Tips and graphics provided by guest author Melanie Bunch, Graphic Artist at Coller Industries.*

Avoiding Boring Badge Ribbons – Part 1

stock badge ribbons horizontal badge ribbonsThe boring badge ribbon makes its debut at many business conventions, corporate retreats, or any number of other professional gatherings. One can usually find these badge ribbons attached to someone’s name badge or possibly just pinned onto someone’s shirt or jacket. The boring badge ribbon is meant to be functional in presenting a word or short phrase, usually in all capital letters and a very plain font. Please note that there is nothing wrong with this ribbon type if the purpose is to simply designate a particular person as a “Speaker” or any other title.

Badge ribbonsstock badge ribbons verticle badge ribbons that are going to be given out as prizes or promotions are ribbons that aim to get the viewer interested in asking about a particular topic, business or cause you are representing. These badge ribbons are meant for something more, but sometimes they look just as plain as the examples described above. It is this ribbon type that deserves a little extra planning to really perform in their function the best way possible.

TIP #1: Remember what medium you are working with.

You are printing on a ribbon not a brochure or flier. Your text should be concise and to the point.

TIP #2: Consider the badge ribbon size you are ordering.

A horizontal ribbon that is four inches wide can fit words like “promotional” or “team leader” and still be big enough to read from a short distance. But, if you’re getting a vertical ribbon that is only two inches wide, try to use shorter words.

TIP #3: Vertical text should be limited.

Vertical ribbons typically have printing running vertically stacked down the ribbon. Usually you can only get away with having one word like that; any more and it becomes hard to read.

TIP #4: When lots of text is acceptable.

There are promotional ribbons with entire poems that are used as bookmarks, ribbons with wedding details for favors, and keepsake ribbons from family reunions or church events. But, if you want your ribbon to say a lot, plan on having small letters and be prepared to order a metal die to be able to imprint the fine details that are required to have this small print.

TIP #5: Consider the tone of your words.

A corporate meeting would be a great setting for the boring badge ribbon with a simple ribbon saying “President” but, if you have a smaller or less formal meeting why not have a ribbon saying “Man In Charge” or “Big Cheese” instead?

Innovative and Engaging Badge Ribbons promotional badge ribbons stock badge ribbonsTake some time to consider these five tips when choosing which badge ribbon is the best for your purpose. There will be five more tips to follow up after you make your choice to help solidify what you really need. These final tips will help you maximize your badge ribbons and promotional ribbons.

*Tips and graphics provided by guest author Melanie Bunch, Graphic Artist at Coller Industries.*

How To: Gift Bow Tying

Gift bow tied around a box for a thank you present.

Gift wrapping keeps the secret of what is in the package until the perfect moment of unveiling, and we all love that moment of surprise when a present is unwrapped. Whether the gift is for a wedding, a baby shower, a birthday or some other get together does not matter. We all like receiving and giving presents with flair and finesse. So, here are a few suggestions for tying that perfect gift bow using personalized ribbons.

Classic Gift Bow

The first bow, and probably the easiest to tie, is a classic one seen on many gifts. It is similar to the bow we all learned when we tied our shoes as children. Start by taking a length of ribbon and creating two loops. Second, cross the loops, one in front and one behind. Third, bring one of the loops through the resulting hole (almost a third loop at the bottom). Finally, pull both loops tight and adjust, forming the bow. You will most likely make this bow with the same ribbon you wrap around the present or gift box.

Two Colored Gift Bow

The second bow is a two colored gift bow. Make this bow separately and then secure it to the present or gift box. For this bow, you will need two widths and two colors of ribbon; let your imagination go wild! Place the skinnier ribbon on top of the wider ribbon and secure it in place, either by stitching or gluing it down. When completed, you should have a solid, single piece of ribbon. Fold the two edges into the middle of the ribbon to create a continual loop and glue the edges together. To hide these edges, take a smaller length of either ribbon and tie it around the middle. Pulling this ribbon tight will also gather the center to help create the look of a bow. Tie this off, or secure it with a small amount of glue.

Classic Pom-Pom Gift Bow

The third bow is a classic pom-pom bow with tails. Again, make this bow and then secure it to the present or gift bow. Pom-pom bows have many loops and are typically quite large, making them perfect for bigger gifts. To make this bow, you will need one very long piece of ribbon. Two sided (each side is a different color) or printed ribbon is beautiful when used for this type of bow. The longer the piece of ribbon, the fuller and bigger the bow will be.

Start by folding the ribbon in half to find the middle of the ribbon. Once you have the center, twist the ribbon and create a loop on one side. Do this for both sides until you have the same number of loops on each side with some ribbon remaining for the tails. Once you reach this step, take a smaller length of the same ribbon and tie it around the center of the bow (where you were twisting the loops) to secure the whole thing. Once it is secure, trim the tails so they are the same length, and then gently pull the loops apart to make the pom-pom.

Classic Gift Bow:

Two Colored Gift Bow:

Classic Pom-Pom:

Personalized Ribbons for Your Bow Tying

Decorate your gifts with the perfect ribbons. Order imprinted ribbons with your custom message for wedding and baby showers, birthdays, anniversaries and so much more. You can also add logos for product branding, corporate advertising or retail packaging.

Summer Reading with a Ribbon Bookmark

Now that all the kids are out of school, what are you going to do with them? While your kids may have a favorite book or genre they like to read, many kids don’t like to read during the summer. And for many parents, this becomes a concern. So, how do we get them excited for reading during the summer? Two words: RIBBON BOOKMARK!

Getting Your Kids Excited About Summer Reading

We all like our kids to stimulate their minds while on summer break from school. And it entertains them so we don’t have to! Personalize your child’s reading experience with fun, creative ribbon bookmarks using customized ribbon rolls and your child’s creativity!

paperclips and ribbons bookmarksPAPERCLIP BOOKMARKS

Paperclip bookmarks are probably the fastest and easiest personalized ribbon bookmarks. Only two materials are needed for this craft. Simply, ribbon scraps and colored paper clips. Each child can pick whatever color combinations they want. Use one or multiple ribbons for this idea! Once the child has selected a paper clip and their ribbon, simply take a paperclip and, on the opposite end of where you slide it onto the page, slide a piece of ribbon through so that the paperclip is in about the middle of the ribbon scrap. Tie this into a knot and repeat this process with as many colors as you want. Once complete, the paperclip can be securely fastened to the page once the child has finished their reading for the day. This craft is especially useful for younger kids and it also teaches how to tie knots.

BUTTON & RIBBON BOOKMARKbutton and ribbon bookmarks using an elastic hair tie

Button bookmarks may take a little more time and creativity and are great for older, more DIY children. Material needed for this craft include buttons, needle and thread, ribbon, and an elastic hair tie. The first step on this craft is to measure your ribbon. Make sure that the ribbon is about twice the length of the book you want to use it for. Then place the hair tie on the inside of one end of the ribbon and fold the edge over enough to cover the band. Sew, or use glue for younger children, this down to secure the hair tie. One the other end of the ribbon, fold the fabric down the same way you did on the previous end. This step needs to be included to prevent any fraying of the ribbon. Place the button on the outside of the folded edge, making sure to leave at least a finger’s width from the edge, and sew together. Again, you can use glue for younger children or as a quicker option, just make sure that the glue holds down the fold as well as the button. Once this craft is finished, wrap the bookmark through the book and attach at the front wrapping the hair tie around the button. This is a great personalized look as you can mix colors and ribbon sizes.

braided ribbon bookmarksBRAIDED RIBBON BOOKMARK

Braided bookmarks are great for keeping hands busy for a while. These crafts are especially fun and unique as they teach hand-eye coordination as well as giving children a creative way to express themselves. The only material needed for this craft is two pieces of ribbon that are equal in length.

This ribbon bookmark can have two colors or one.

Start by taking one ribbon by the end and fold it back on itself to form a loop. Take the second ribbon and wrap one end around the base of the first ribbon’s loop, then tie it into a secure knot. Make sure to leave a short tail on each ribbon for the end of the bookmark. Note that the tails should be on the same side of the longest tail on the first ribbon. This step should also leave the length of the first ribbon hanging down. You should be able to gently pull on this longer tail to adjust the size of the loop. Once the knot is secure, form the second ribbon into a loop (just like the first loop you made) and thread it through the first loop and pull the first loop’s tail down to secure the second loop.

Make sure to leave this as flat as possible and not bunched. If it becomes bunched, you are pulling the loops too securely. Now that you have completed this, the rest of the project just repeats itself from left to right. So, at this point you should have a loop on the right side. Pull the right hand ribbon through this loop and secure it down with the ribbon on the left. Now you should have a loop on the left side. Repeat this process until you have created a the braid as long as you want. To finish the bookmark, instead of forming more loops, pull one side of the ribbon all the way through to create a free end. Pull the other end up to match this one and finish with a simple overhand knot. Make sure this isn’t pulled too tightly or it will smash the final braid.

Making the Most of Stackable Badge Ribbons

stackable badge ribbons with a reusable name badge

Badge ribbons are meant to make the wearer stand out from the crowd. They are also an effective way to make an initial introduction and break the ice for those attending a social meeting. These crowds can be found anywhere, but most people obtain ribbons from trade shows, conventions, conferences, meetings or other social functions.

As people collect badge ribbons from a conference or convention, they serve different purposes. So, what happens when these ribbons are all combined? And where do you put them all? People use every badge ribbon they get as an identifier and visual stimulant for themselves.

Badge holders are one of the best places to attach any badge ribbon. They extend the name and title of the person wearing them. The ribbons are made to be “stackable,” so the wearer does not have to pick and choose which ones to add to their name badges.

Each title can range from Council Member and President to Greeter and Sponsor. Personalized Ribbons offers an abundance of these stock badge ribbons, and each title comes in several choices of color. Each title will help anyone stand out in any crowd.

Benefits of stacking badge ribbons

It is always fun to think outside of the box and come up with unique ways to personalize badge ribbons to meet the needs of any social function. Custom order creative titles so not everyone has to have an official title attached to their name badge.

You do not have to limit badge ribbons to just professional functions. Find these ribbons at parties, weddings and other intimate or family events.

Fundraisers are also a common place to see these ribbons. They are an excellent tool for identifying a cause or support group for each fundraiser. Choose a color, such as pink for breast cancer support or a rainbow ribbon for autism supporters, and then add a title or function for the wearer to attach to their name badge.

Customize these ribbons in horizontal and vertical designs to meet any need for any function. They are not only versatile but also affordable. Do not limit yourself on these great personalizing tools. You can even order blank ribbons to identify specific groups by a single color worn by each person.

Badge ribbons are an excellent way to break the ice and stop awkward stares or uncomfortable moments when someone does not know what to say or how to introduce themselves. Stacking personalized ribbons on name badges is an effective way to identify any role at these events.